
Sunday, August 1, 2010

薑蔥炒花蟹 Stir Fried Crabs with Ginger and Scallions

I am a busy woman. I have a full time job as well as my own freelance business. I attend hobby classes and I participate in various volunteering functions. But above all, I spend most of my time eating – I enjoy dining out with friends and I like to cook for people at home. I have my column on newspaper to share my recipes and emotions on different things but I still love to start a blog where I can write without limitations, anytime, anywhere.

This is the first dish I want to share with you – Fried Crabs with Ginger and Scallions. I like crabs not only for its taste but also its colour. It becomes red when it is cooked. It is a perfect colour according to Chinese tradition that represents good luck!

Stir Fried Crabs with Ginger and Scallions


2 lbs crabs
3 inch ginger (peel and sliced)
5 stalks scallion (cut into 2-inch pieces, separate white and green section)
5 cloves garlic
3 tbsp Shaoxing wine
3 tbsp chicken stock
pinch of salt


Clean the crab and cut into pieces. Pat dry with paper towels. Heat up 2 tbsp of oil in a wok and add garlic, ginger and only white part of cut scallions. Stir-fry until aromatic.

Quickly stir in the crab pieces. Stir fry the crab in the wok for a few times.

Add Shaoxing wine and chicken stock. Cover the wok again and let it cook for at 5-10min until fully cooked. Add the remaining green part of scallions and season with pinch on salt. Stir fry until sauce almost evaporated.

Plate and serve immediately.


花蟹      2隻
蔥       5條 (切段,白色和綠色部份分開)
薑       10片
蒜頭      5粒 (拍扁)
紹興酒     3湯匙
雞湯           3湯匙
鹽               適量

花蟹洗淨切件,蟹鉗以刀面拍裂。 用廚紙吸乾水份。




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